If you compare the world we live in today, to the not so distant past, the technological and digital revolution has certainly taken hold.

We’re now in the fortunate (or some say not so fortunate) position of being able to access anything at the click of a button or swipe of a finger, anytime anywhere.  There are a whole host of digital developments that have been welcomed and embraced in the last decade – FaceTime, Twitter, WhatsApp, SnapChat to name just a few.

But what does this global development really mean when it comes to business?

You could, of course, argue that there has been a place for this type of instantaneous connectivity within the telecoms industry for years – again a true enough statement given the products and services this entails. It’s also without doubt that the big conglomerates and multi-nationals have been operating successfully with the challenges that a true global organisation faces, for decades.

However, for many businesses the requirement to work efficiently and effectively across multiple sites globally and to liaise with customers and colleagues not just in different languages but who are working across different time zones is still a relatively new challenge.  And a challenge it often is.  With so many things to consider, costs and resource can quickly become out of control.

So whatever your international presence or expansion plans look like, here are just a few of the basic rules you need to think about:

  • Stay Connected: Consider how you are going to connect your multiple sites, in a way that continues to offer resilience and speed.
  • Lets Talk: Don’t forget the power of a conversation, in the digital age sometimes screen takes priority over phone, but for those with international customers or colleagues in offices in the other side of the world, the ability to connect through speech is all important – and as such is your telecoms capability.
  • Location of Datacentres: Consider where your servers are located to ensure low latency (to prevent slowdown of information being exchanged)
  • Security: Ensure your firewalls offer sufficient levels of protection to your network

It goes without saying there are a whole lot more and this doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface on how your business can succeed internationally.

So, whether you are making your first steps towards international expansion, or already have a global presence and are looking for improvements in order to grow further, why not consider giving us a call.  We have the tools, relationships, scale and flexibility to help you on your international journey.

For more information about M247 global solutions, contact us today 

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