We specialise in building and managing high performance WAN to suit businesses of every size. Our expertise and commitment to delivering quality bespoke solutions for every customer enables us to help your business grow
Private networks that enable multi-site businesses to share IP services and data via our high bandwidth core network.
Boost private network versatility through a more flexible and dynamic approach which includes additional services such as WAN optimisation and firewalls.
What is a WAN?
A WAN or Wide Area Network is the connection of 2 or more geographically diverse LANs (Local Area Networks). It is a large private network of different sites, giving all sites access to the same IT services or data. These sites can be connected over varying methods and technologies. WANs can vary in how secure they are dependent upon the needs of the business.
- Bespoke solution creating and build
- Choice of flexible last mile network access options
- Highly scalable both nationally or internationally
- Highly Secure - industry leading equipment suppliers from Fortinet and Cisco
- Range of M247 overlay products to service a growing business demands
- Dedicated onboarding team
How we work with you
How we work with you
We identify your needs and business challenges and feed in to our technical design authority.
We ensure that the customer gets the right products configured in the right way to meet your bespoke needs.
Experts in creating your solution will provide dedicated service to your business.
24/7 proactive monitoring by experienced technical experts.
Technical auditing as a service of performance is available to ensure your business service needs are optimised as your business grows.
Sales: 0808 253 6500
Support: 0161 822 2580
To find out how our technology can transform your business get in touch