Global MSP and Cloud Services Provider
Global with HQ Manchester UK
Customer overview
M247 are a global connectivity led cloud services provider. With over 10,000 customers in over 110 countries.
With a product set spanning Cloud, Hosting, Connectivity, Voice and Security, their global network and infrastructure is supported by a customer centric approach to provide strict SLA’s and performance.
Following a period of significant growth, global ISP and cloud services provider M247 had a requirement to simplify and maximise the speed of their internal applications across their global network for now and future demand. The solution was a wholesale move of internal applications to be hosted on the new 247Cloud™ platform. The result was an immediate upturn in performance, increased speed and maximising applications and reducing any time lags in order for M247 to continue to deliver exceptional service across their network. Whilst offering the ability to scale as required in line with business growth objectives.
- Teams can configure tools much faster, in close to real time, without any time lag.
- Support staff are having a smoother experience as authentication requests are being processed in real time without hold ups on network changes.
- M247 have been able to provide a better level of service to customers and this has been evident through their customer NPS scores.
“M247 have a multi-terabyte core network, 247Cloud™ was the first application launched on it. 247Cloud™ itself offers three-figure gigabyte capacity, making it much better matched to provide the compute and RAM required to run our applications at their optimum.”
Chris Beswick Network Solution Architect
Customer Challenge
Due to a large increase in customer demand, M247’s platform was reaching its upper limitations, bound only by the hardware it was running on.
The legacy system was nearing peak capacity and was beginning to slow down, impacted by processing increased volumes. Market-leading applications were not being utilised to their maximum performance due to the infrastructure and hosting platform.
Providing, fast and efficient customer service to M247’s global customer base is critical to maintain high SLAs and customer satisfaction and is therefore critical to business success.
“We have a large support team with a ‘hands on’ role, working to configure, customise and repair products in a live environment, accessing the global network in real time. Working across multiple devices we needed to ensure the network and underlying infrastructure could keep pace and provide the speeds required.”
The timescales to move were immediate as part of pro-active planning to meet future additional demand on the applications.
Customer Goal
Optimise running speeds and capabilities of internal applications in order to provide high-speed processing. Improving overall performance by increasing efficiency whilst delivering a faster experience for all users with reduce delays.
M247 Solution
Built on top of M247’s high capacity global network and connectivity expertise, M247’s own cloud solution, 247Cloud™, is designed to provide a robust infrastructure capable of supporting even the most demanding data and processing needs. Supporting the business goal of optimising applications.
With its ability to scale, compute resources on demand to maintain exceptional speed and performance whatever the load, 247Cloud™ was the ideal solution for M247’s very own requirements.
“We’ve seen huge up-turn in performance since switching to 247Cloud™, it offers the perfect balance of speed and scale to meet the system demands we’re creating. Long term, our aim is to scale up to 10,000 devices running on the network, so having all of that spare capacity within 247Cloud™ means we can press ahead with our development strategies.”
Chris Beswick Network Solution Architect
Results and benefits
Enhanced speed and increased productivity
The new platform moved to enterprise 247Cloud™ and the end result is faster and more responsive.
247Cloud™ has delivered more than sufficient performance enabling the business to run applications smoothly and efficiently. It performs read/write operations with vast amounts of data at exceptional speed. Leading to a much-improved user experience for all.
- Teams can configure tools much faster, in close to real time, without any time lag.
- Support staff are having a smoother experience as authentication requests are being processed in real time without hold ups on network changes.
- M247 have been able to provide a better level of service to customers and this has been evident through their customer NPS scores.
Sales: 0808 253 6500
Support: 0161 822 2580
To find out how our technology can transform your business get in touch