Are colocation and Cloud services the best solutions for maintaining rapid development of disrupting technologies in software companies? Whether we are talking about software applications, operating systems, customised or enterprise software, the challenge of the IT infrastructure is the same for all.

The challenge is growing because software technologies are being developed to be relevant and scalable for individuals and companies from around the world. The software industry is one of the fastest growing and most competitive fields, both at a local and an international level. Whether you have a business in this industry or you are responsible for one or more projects, you are most likely looking for solutions to keep up with the times.

Thus, in the context of globalisation and a multitude of offers and products, those who manage software development projects need to anticipate possible risks, quality, integration, financial factors, IT infrastructure, and other factors that could jeopardise the successful development of projects.

When properly managed, the IT Infrastructure ensures the sustainability of this environment. Moreover, it can create an advantage for businesses that opt ​​for outsourcing, as it offers a more efficient network and security management, storage and servers, operating systems, databases, and business applications.

Depending on the size of your business and on the variety or complexity of the projects you develop or manage, you can choose to outsource the IT infrastructure that best suits you. Whether we are talking about equipment colocation or the Cloud, a data centre will enable you to benefit from reliability, security and flexibility you need.

Find out the benefits of colocation and Cloud services and why M247 can offer you a suitable solution for your needs:

Choosing a data centre guarantees superior facilities

As the projects you manage grow, the IT infrastructure must ensure continuity through high optimisation. Finding a solution, the provides high levels of functionality can be costly. Therefore, colocation hosting services can provide an alternative option.

A colocation centre can get more advantageous services from Internet providers than a single company. Besides that, a data centre invests permanently in equipment and security systems. Moreover, there are dedicated staff who manage and monitor the equipment and the network.

M247’s priority is to ensure the best conditions for the high-level functionality of your IT estate. By hosting it, M247 understands the responsibility of ensuring reduced, predictable monthly and annual costs. Providing more security, more support and maintenance, redundant power and connectivity for a maximum uptime:

  • ISO 27001 internationally certification for information security management
  • Resilient N+1 UPS power protection
  • N+1 Generator device protection
  • Fire detection system (VESDA)
  • Smoke sensors fire detection
  • N+1 AC Cooling device
  • N+1 Adiabatic Cooling device
  • Enhanced security and the possibility of setting a PIN for each rack
  • VPN, dedicated lines, Firewall, anti-DDoS solutions.

Also, M247 has all the space and resources needed to host your IT equipment in dedicated rooms.

Data Centre services benefit from professional and prompt technical support

An extremely important challenge for programming, system, and free sources is the availability of accessing them as long as possible. To meet today’s challenges, software companies need coverage 24 hours a day.

M247 provides a quick and efficient solution of outsourcing the equipment and to a colocation centre, where a team will be available to provide permanent technical support. This can help you increase your cost-efficiency, and allow you to channel your resources to your company’s main other goals.

M247 has brought technical support service to the highest level, with specialists in the field responding to customer requests 24/7/365. Your request can be made by email, phone or live chat.

Our prevention, security and networking systems are constantly monitored by the M247 team for efficiency and functionality.

The Cloud is a progressive scalable solution, an alternative for colocation

Cloud computing is a data hosting solution relying on an internet connection, which is increasingly accessed by small, medium-sized companies, even enterprises. Companies choose this service to reduce costs. They subscribe to this model to drive large amounts of money to other projects, eliminating investments for building and managing an IT infrastructure.

Moreover, flexibility is an important asset of the Cloud, as you have the ability to adjust resources at any time, depending on the needs of your business. Although cyber-security is still one of the greatest concerns, this service provides you with maximum data protection. M247 hosts data of major importance, therefore, security is an absolute priority commitment for the company.

M247, through its cloud computing solutions, has the resources to keep your business online at all times. Providing your business with more flexibility, efficiency and stability.

Contact us to find out how we can support your business!

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